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Thursday 14 March 2013



Monkeys are probably among of the most popular and interesting animals in the world. There are a number of monkey varieties. New world monkeys are distinguished from the old world monkeys of Africa and Asia by certain features of appearance and size. The new world monkeys (platyrrhines) are small to medium-sized. They have wide circular nostrils and long tails, which are prehensile or semi-prehensile. They do not have cheek pouches and buttock pads. Prehensile tails can be called an extra hand that helps a monkey swing, touch and grasp things. Spider monkeys, capuchins, squirrel monkeys, owl and wooly monkeys are some of the new world monkey's representatives. Spider monkeys are found in South and Central America. The Spider monkey has very long limbs and prehensile tails, which makes it look like a spider. Spider monkeys have no thumbs on their hands. When walking, these monkeys carry their arms above their head. Capuchin monkeys inhabit Central and South America. There are several types of Capuchin monkeys: white-throated, black capped, cinnamon and weeper. Old world monkeys of Africa and Asia belong to the family Cercopithecinae. They are diurnal, larger than the new world monkeys and have somewhat different physical features. Vervet Guenons, the representative of the old world monkeys, live in South and East Africa. The skin on their face is cream colored when they are born and it turns black by the time they reach the age of six months. Macaques are large and powerful animals inhabiting southern Asia. Some varieties of Macaques are: the Japanese Macaque, the Barbary ape and the Rhesus Macaque. Monkeys range in size from the Pygmy Marmoset to the Muriqui monkeys of Brazil.
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